Eyebrow Blocking
Assignment: Using either glue or soap block out your eyebrows. Take Away: I feel like blocking out my eyebrows was difficult because I didn’t comb them out between the multiple layers of glue.
Professional Costume Designer and Stylist
Assignment: Using either glue or soap block out your eyebrows. Take Away: I feel like blocking out my eyebrows was difficult because I didn’t comb them out between the multiple layers of glue.
Assignment: Find a photo and transfer it to your face. Take Away: One of the more difficult parts of this project was getting the buildings to line up straight.
Assignment: Design a Make-Up of your choice. Take Away: The zipper was heavy I would have used a lighter one and if I did this again I would have smoothed out the scar putty to
Assignment: Choose one of the seven deadly sins and create a Make-Up that you feel reflects that sin. Take Away: I chose Envie, I used the green as a contour to make it seem like
Assignment: Create a Clown Make-Up. Take Away: With this Make-Up it was important to experiment with color and exaggerate natural features. I wanted to play with the eyes and freckles.
Assignment: Create a bruise, a bullet wound, and uses liquid latex to create some kind of scar or burn. Take Away: I had a lot of fun create the finger burns. I had done this
Assignment: Create an animal design. Take Away: I enjoyed this project and learned a lot about blending the colors to work together.
Assignment: Create a male persona. Take Away: I extremely enjoyed this process, if I were to redo it I would take more time on the crepe hair and on the make-up application overall.
Assignment: Age yourself using your stage make up kit. Take Away: It’s important to build up the design, blend it and then build it up again. The skin shade should be leathers and yellowed. Wrinkles
Assignment: Pick three features to “correct.” Using the techniques talked about in class make your face look more symmetrical. Take away: I chose to correct my eyebrows, lips and nose structure. I think this added