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2016 J-Term Production
Written by Eric Idle
Hastings College Theatre
Show Dates: January 28, 29, 30, and 31

Show Premise: This show follows King Arthur as he gains knights and goes on a quest to find the Holy Grail.

Director’s Statement: Fun, iconic, and quirky. He told me to be detail oriented and have fun with the costumes.

My Take: We ended up renting a lot of costumes. Many of which didn’t end up being right so I had to repair a majority of the clothing, or alter it in some way. We also didn’t use the costume rentals for most ensemble costumes so I ended up distressing clothing for “Not Dead Yet” and making tons of weird Finnish skirts. It was also a challenge because I had to be aware of every piece of clothing, where is was, who had it, and where it was going during strike and crazy college kids don’t listen very well.

Final Thoughts: This show was demanding because we only had a month to put it all together. The massive amount of costumes was also a trying task but in the end it was well worth it. I even got a little trophy for outstanding costumes so I was pretty thrilled.

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