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Into the Woods

In this paper project I wanted to explore the idea that everybody has a unique story. I chose to explore different cultures and heritage’s for each story. I endeavored to represent diversity in body type, ethnicity, culture, and address the topic of ablism and cultural appropriation.

By making the Step mother a white woman who has 3 daughters each different race and she is wearing Chinese inspired brocade’s and Gold neck rings from Africa. She is displaying beautiful stories that are not hers to tell, truly making her “black and vile of heart.”

I wanted to show mix race couples, you can see this with the Baker and his wife and Cinderella and her prince. I think this was important to display the idea that they all have mutual respect for each others stories and have begun to form stories together.

I made the Narrator a child because I think it’s important that we encourage children to explore stories and seek to understand a world that is diverse.

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