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Glimmer the Elf

2016 Children’s Show
Title: Glimmer the Elf
Written by Jessica Brock

Hastings College
Show Dates: December 1-3

Show Premise: This show is about an elf named Glimmer who brings Christmas spirit to a young girl and her family.

Director’s Statement: The notes given to me about the costumes were, Iconic Christmas, Glitter, and Fun. Each elf needs to have their own character.

My Take: This show was absolutely crazy and I am sure I will be cleaning up glitter until the day I graduate. This show was a challenge for me because the characters are so well known. Every kid knows what Santa looks like and has seen an elf, so I really wanted to translate that magic onto the stage.

Final Thoughts: This show was near and dear to my heart because one of the alumni from my college wrote it. The characters are iconic. It was fun creating the personality of each elf, and I got to learn a lot about glitter application and sewing with fur.
I hope you enjoy!


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