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Madwoman of Chaillot

2016 Fall Production
Title: Madwoman of Chaillot
Written By Jean Giraudoux
Hastings College
Show Dates: October 20th-23rd

Director: Jim Fritzler Scenic Designer: Nate Mohlman

The director wanted cartoon like villains and a larger than life madwoman. He constantly wanted more. Crazier hats and more trim. The ensemble was suppose to be a representation of artisans and how the are not part of the “pimps” as the playwright describes it.

There is a striking contrast between the evil, black and white business men, and the colorful Madwoman and her friends. This show explores ideas of right and wrong. and I think the costumes reflect the difference between the two. It shows the evil as harsh and rigid and the good as whimsical and free. I was also responsible for the make up in this show as well. Enjoy!

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